Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Rule No. 11

'' be your own adviser ''

deep down within all of us is a fount of wisdom, this is called intuition . listening to it is a slow learnt process, it starts with recognizing that tiny inner voice or feeling that will tell you when you've done something you shouldn't have.

you might like to call it your concious if you like, but deep down you know when you've done something bad. you know when you've got to apologize. you know and i know you know. i know because we all know. there;' no getting away from it.

try running stuff past your inner you, before doing things and see what reaction you get. ask your self questions and you'll realize that you already know everything there is to know and everything you'll ever need to know.

listen, its all there. if you are going to trust any adviser, who will it be? it makes sense for it to be you. becaue you have all the facts, all the experience , all the knowledge at your finger tips, no one else has. no one can get inside you and see exactly whats going on

this is the important stuff, what we're about to do , big decisions we have to make , why we are behaving in the way we are. you already know the anwer if you ask yourself


listen to your voice, no one knows u better than your own self ; you dont need others to decide for you when you got all the answers already .you don;t need to look around when u got it all here. all you gotta do is to trust your self and follow your guts.

its funny how to run to others seeking for advice and most of the time, we dont even like what we hear because its not we have on mind .. ZAIN SINCE U HAVE SOMETHIN ON UR MIND, WHY NOT DO IT !!! id rather follow my guts and make a mistake than listen to some one else and make a mistake ..

there is an inside voice, u gotta learn how to hear it .. its amazing how loud and carrying it can be .. how could something like that be ignored? just dont lose ur mind and go schizophrenic :P

1 comment:

Standy said...

I have too many voices and arguments inside me and therefore i cant choose one so i seek for an outter voice :P

I need to trust me more!!!