Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The The Rules Of Life By Richard Templar :

this is one of the greatest books i've ever read .. you know, i don't believe in rules and self improvement and stuff but this book indeed opens ur eyes to alot of things you were not aware of you .. anyway i decided to share one lesson with u every day and there are 100 lessons here so lol u'll be hanging around here for a while , i mean if ur interested :P

Rule One : Keep it under your hat
'' keep quiet, no one likes a smart arse ''
'' we all hare being preached at so don't preach, propagate, even mention it , its a bit like when you give up smoking and you suddenly find this new heathier way of living and you want to convert all of your old smoking friends, trouble is, they aren't ready to quit yet and you find they label you as a smug or a prig and we all hate those ''

'' if anyone asks you a thing, just give them a simple answer, there's no need to go into details because its not what people want to know .. its a bit like when some one asks you how you are, what they want to really hear is one word '' fine '', even if you're in the bits of despair .. thats all they wanna hear because anything more than that requires committment on their part. if you don't say fine and u start unburden your self , they will back off pretty quickly . ''


so don't ever talk as if you know everything .. if its a simple question, u give a simple answer .. no need to prove to the world that you're the smart pants here .. and don't talk about the things you are or the things u can do, some people might find this very interesting but most of people will get you wrong and would think of you as a snob .. so KEEP IT UNDER YOUR HAT, no body needs to know anything UNLESS they ask for it

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